客戶臨時取消了一個會議,Robert來不及通知外籍同事,讓他白跑了一趟。外籍同事不太開心,問Robert為何沒有事先告知。Robert回答:“I just know it.” 外籍同事本來沒這麼氣,聽到這句話頓時火冒三丈。

I just know it並不是「我剛剛才知道」,而是「我就是知道、我早就知道、我本來就知道」。這種態度,很氣人吧!


(X)I just know it.
)That’s news to me.

I just know it指「我就是知道」,雖然說不出所以然,但就是知道。例如:

I can't say exactly what's wrong with Jack, I just know that I don't like him.

要表達自己之前並不知道、也很驚訝,可以用一個常用的口語“That’s news to me.”。news在這裡指的是新聞、新的事件,來看情境:

A:The meeting’s been cancelled.(會議取消了。)
B: That’s news to me!(我也剛剛才知道。)


It’s just the ticket.



The two weeks off work was just the ticket. I feel like a new man.

I think your ideas are just the ticket for our marketing campaign.

It’s just one of those things.


Just one of those things字面上是「眾多事件之一」,引申為「命中注定的事」,語氣上有點雖然不喜歡,但也無可避免。

The road was blocked, so we missed the meeting - it was just one of those things.

Just like that.


Just like that是老外常用的口語,用在表達驚訝,強調某件事「怎麼可能那麼容易、那麼快就發生」。

Their son went off and got married last week, just like that.

You’d sell the car? Just like that?
