Maggie出國旅行,在咖啡廳排隊點咖啡。排在她前面的外國人說:Americano, no room please.

Maggie覺得好奇,難道這咖啡廳也提供住房嗎?原來no room、with room,在點咖啡時有另一層意思。

 Americano, no room please.



That sofa would take up too much room in the apartment.

Take up too much room的take up是「占據」,take up too much room指「占太多空間」。

外國人點咖啡時說no room,這裡的room也是指「空間」,意思是不需要在咖啡杯預留空間加牛奶或奶精。如果是with room,意思是要留一點空間,別把咖啡加太滿。例如:

I’d like a tall decaf coffee with room.

I would like two cups of Americano, no room for cream.


Can you make room for me?


 Room除了「房間」,也有「空間」的意思,make room是指「騰出空間」。

You can make room to copy your data without losing anything.
(您可以安排出空間,沒有任何損失的完成數據的拷貝。 )

We need to address the elephant in the room.


An elephant in the room字面上是「房間裡的大象」,想像一下房間裡有一隻大象,是不是大家都看得見。這個片語是指「太過於龐大或麻煩,沒有人願意去碰的問題。」

Time and again, society pressures people not to see, hear or speak about the elephant in the room.

 He knows how to work the room in meetings.


Work the room是指在社交場合中,有策略的與多人交談和建立聯繫。這個片語經常形容一個人在派對、會議中與盡可能多的人互動,以達到某種目的,比如建立人脈、推銷產品或提升自己的知名度。

She knows how to work the room at a party, making everyone feel welcome and engaged.
